Monday, February 14, 2011

Human Spirit

Human Spirit
14 x 17
Charcoal Figure Drawing

 In Nakedness lies the
 truth of the Human Spirit...
what is your truth?

Today I am reflecting on drawings
i found in my art studio from
a figure drawing class i took in Italy years ago.
What is more romantic than to think of Italy today!
The food, the wine, what's not to love??!!
The gestural drawings where done in a swift 60 seconds

The purpose is too look only at the outside (contour of the figure)
and draw as quick as you can in less than a minute
before the model changes positions.
Talk about stress for a portrait artist!!!
You have to leave out all details and only worry about big shapes.
But as I look at them now years later...
I see so much more than an outline.
I can see the big picture.

I think we can all relate to a figure drawing to some degree.
It represents a raw human appeal and spirit...
it's not about naked body parts, it's about human form

"We are not human beings on a spiritual journey. 
We are spiritual beings on a human journey."
-stephen R. covey

When succombed to outside pressures we put on ourselves...
Let's take a look internally to our heart and find our purpose
to best serve those around us.

"The divine spirit does not reside in any except the joyful heart."
-talmud quotes-

Hope everyones heart is full of joy on this valentine's day.
Where is your naked truth
and what is it
that you have
to offer

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